4 Quotes & Sayings By Swami Pranayomama

Swami Pranayomama's work has been featured in magazines and newspapers across the country, including Forbes, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Success Magazine, and Success magazine. He appeared on CNN to discuss his book "Inspiring Leadership." He has been a guest speaker at hundreds of seminars and conferences. Swami Pranayomama's work has been featured in magazines and newspapers across the country, including Forbes, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Success Magazine, and Success magazine. He appeared on CNN to discuss his book Inspiring Leadership Read more

He has been a guest speaker at hundreds of seminars and conferences.

Do not believe anything I tell you. Do not take...
Do not believe anything I tell you. Do not take my advice. Swami Pranayomama
Do as I say, not as I do.
Do as I say, not as I do. Swami Pranayomama
You should try to avoid using the words
You should try to avoid using the words "should" and "try". Swami Pranayomama